Some Advance Practice SQL queries and solutions

Q1) List the SSN of all employees who work on exactly same set of projects as employee with SSN '123456789'

select essn  from works_on
where pno in(select pno from works_on where essn='123456789')
having count(*)=(select count(*) from works_on where essn='123456789')
group by essn
select essn from works_on  where essn='123456789'

Q2) Produce a view name DEPT_INFO that lists for each department, its name , the number of employee working for the department, and the total salary of the employee working in the department.


create or replace view DEPT_INFO_v1 as 
select count(dname)as total_emp ,dname,sum(salary) sal from employee e, department d
where e.dno = d.dnumber
group by dname

Q3) List Fname,Lname,Salary of each employee who works on all project controlled by Research department.


select fname,lname,e.salary from employee e where 
e.ssn in(
select essn from works_on w
w.pno in (select p.pnumber from project p  where p.dnum in(select dnum from department where dname ='Research'))
group by essn having count(*)=(select count(p.pnumber) from project p  where p.dnum in(select dnum from department where dname ='Research')))

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